The rain over the weekend caused a bit of a delay in the construction however the contractor is still on schedule for the project deadline. Today, the underdrain in Phase 1 is getting installed which will go into tomorrow. The contractor is hoping that they will have the underdrain done by Friday so that they can shape up the road and start on placing aggregate base course which consist of 12" of gravel late on Friday or early next week. Following the base course, concrete will begin to start which will start off with the curb and gutter which they are on pace to be starting early next week.
Once the underdrain in Phase 1 is complete the contractor is going to go back into Phase 2 and install watermain followed by storm sewer. Currently, they do not have a plan on when Phase 3/4 will begin however Phase 3 may be starting within the next couple of weeks.
If you have any questions or concerns about the project do not hesitate to call Josh at (605)-759-6158.
Underdrain getting installed between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue on Academy Street.